Book review: ”The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”

What is the issue?
The book contains a lot of issues. Infact the book claims that the universe itself is an issue. But if I have to pick one I choose the demolishment of planet Earth.

To make a long story short, Earth is not only the home planet for Arthur Dent but also a hyper smart computer designed to calculate the question to the Ultimate answer of Life, Universe and everything. The vogons, though, along with the philosophers of the world, don’t want that at all. So they decide to demolish the planet/computer to prevent the World from ever knowing.

How is the issue solved?
Fortunately, Earth can be recreated by a company which builds planets. The computer though, can only be recreated by using one of the only parts left of it, which is Arthur’s brain. Two mice decide to use this brain to calculate the question, but then they come up with a good question themselves – “How many roads must a man walk down?” The Answer is 42.

Do you agree with the way it is solved?
I think it’s good that the computer is forever gone, because the meaning of life is really to not know the meaning of life.

Would you have done anything else?
I wouldn’t have done anything at all since I would have been a part of the demolished Earth. 😉 But if I could have done something, I would have… gone away from the planet as soon as possible to explore the universe. And I absolutely wouldn’t have cared about my home planet as much as Arthur did – we’re doomed anyway.

Description of a character
Zaphod Beeblebrox
Zaphod Beeblebrox is a really interesting character. He’s just as complex and has just as many traits as the novel. I love that he has two heads; it perfectly illustrates his split personality – on one hand imaginative, outgoing and open-minded, on the other hand irresponsible, untrustworthy and extremely extrovert. You never know where you have him, still he’s so predictable.

If I like him or not is best left unsaid. Nevertheless he’s a really charming person.

To whom would you recommend this book?
I have never laughed when I’ve read a book as much I did when I read “The hitchhiker’s guide to the galaxy”. And with laugh I don’t mean quietly giggle, I mean literally laughing out loud. Exploding. ROFLMAO – rolling on the floor laughing my ass off. And that is much because of Adams’ irony and how he mock with Englishmen, prejudice and pretty much with Existence itself.

So I truly recommend this novel to all of those whose irony is well developed (it’s hard to say a specific age and sex for that), for an experience that really puts your life – or at least your valuations – in a whole new perspective.

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